In July 2020, to further HIGH’s close relationship with the Arts, we initiated a collaboration with the world’s premier art school,
London’s Royal College of Art (RCA) and established The HIGH Prize for Creative Excellence to be awarded to a graduating Masters level student.
Working with one of our creative partners, Gemma Blackshaw, Professor of Art History at the RCA, HIGH draws up a shortlist of graduating students whose work across a variety of media chimes with HIGH’s own.
HIGH's artistic research is aimed at works that incorporate the human body and the spaces it occupies, even if only conceptually pursuing an innovative approach in the various disciplines and incorporates all possible media - such as ceramics, glass, jewellery and metal, painting, photography, video, print and sculpture.
The brand is interested in work which engages with the human body, with texture and with form. It should demonstrate an innovative approach to materials, and dexterity in their handling.